Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Garden of New Snazzy Seeds

Since I have been putting together this yoga program from the Sutras, I have been very very mindful of what seeds I plant in myself, and others, not just right here right now but in the past that have brought me here. In my last post I talked about "where did everyone go?" and after some contemplation (well thats what I call it when I know the answer but sit and hope it will change) I realize that I have put some people in a position to feel the same way I did. Looking at it that way, I can actually see the exact emotions but from a completely different scenario playing out in my life right now. The good news is that I think it's almost over, but the even better news is that by having the time to reflect on this situation allows me to plant good seeds within myself. By forgiving myself for putting others in this position creates even more good seeds, and by holding that emotion for what it is, looking at it in my hands from an all seeing eyes prospective I can appropriately place that situation outside of my world and carry on with the new good seeds that I have now.

Short and simple right

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