Sunday, September 25, 2011

Inner work

After my last post where I needed to vent and re-route my feelings, I was able to calmly and with non-violent communication, have a conversation and find out quite a few things that really cleared the air. It's amazing how easily things can get misinterpreted etc... 5 points for communicating!

I've been co-collaborating Yoga in Action and it is quite amazing to see the transformation in students, and in myself. I went through the program in NY and it was great, and teaching it now is completely different yet still inspiring. Students don't often realize that they are in fact too teachers.

From Sleeping Beauty we hear mirror mirror on the wall... take a look what do you see. My life is chaotic, I can't decide what I'm going to do, what my next step is going to be. I decided today, after meditations, looking deep and seeing that inner critic show his grimy face and turning him around etc... that I'm going to do what I really want to do and I need to let go of my own inhibitions and just dance and play and make it happen. Why do I second guess myself so often? What am I so afraid of? Go for it k10, jump in and meet your souls desires.

Sooo on that note, you guys better all meet me in Belize for an amazing yoga and diving retreat! It's a big step for me to reach out and start something that I can call my own, but at the end of the day its not about me, its about making changes in the world, and that is my intention with this program. Whether someone takes it and runs with it, or they simple view things in a new way and share it with a friend, the seeds will be planted!

Excited :)

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