Saturday, November 21, 2015

Kelsa: Sovereign and Free

In yoga teacher training today we took some extra time to look deep into each others souls. A way of opening ourselves to see and be seen. To see colors, auras, lives past and feelings of growth and development. After the practice, my partner told me my eyes had an incredible depth to them, but there was a sadness in which she saw. In her, I saw a strong Native American spirit in touch with the animal kingdom and having a special mothering relationship with them. 

On my way home, I thought to myself, where is this sadness coming from? Thoughts ran through my head of what it could be? How can I tap into it? I don't feel sad. Humm... 

Arriving home I learned that "We had a loss today..." 
"What? Who? What happened?"

Who was Kelsa?
Kelsa was the beautiful Saluki hound you see in the photo.
She was the mother to 9 puppies and had a long term relationship with Zephyr.
When Kelsa was a puppy she kicked me in the eye which caused a boil which led to me learning I'm allergic to 'mycin' drugs.
When I moved back home with Spirit (the red headed step child to a pack of 6 hounds) Kelsa stood up for Spirit and let the others know that it was ok for her to live here.

It may seem silly to blog about the loss of a pet, but as I stood by her grave tonight, I couldn't help but think of the qualities Kelsa held. Qualities that I hope someone would stand by my grave and reminisce on... she was a faithful wife, a loving mother to not just her own, but to her 'step children'. She was elegant and classy. She had the most kind eyes and softest gentle touch. She was beauty.

I think it only appropriate to add that Kelsas given name was Khalsa. Khalsa is the collective body of all initiated Sikhs represented by the five beloved ones and called the Guru Panth, the embodiment of the Guru and the final temporal leader of the Sikhs. The word Khalsa translates to Sovereign and Free. 

And that is what she always was, and continues to be. Sovereign and Free. The irony of the day, the fact that the Native American mothering totem saw a sadness in my eyes today knew... knew at that moment a close soul was passing to another dimension. 

Fly high Kelsa, you are greatly loved and will be missed.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

An inhale. An exhale. A tear

Throughout the month of November teacher trainees have had the chance to teach a karma class on gratitude. Each Wednesday night friends, family and fellow yogis show up to support these amazing women as they begin teaching their first solo yoga classes.
Last night in class, I had a moment as I looked up to my hands and exhaled to anjali mudra, a moment that she a single tear down my face.
That moment you realize how blessed you are to actually be making yoga a career.
That moment you are being taught a beautiful asana practice by students who learned, in part, by you.
That moment you know another round of yoga teacher trainees are eager to begin in the new year. That moment you recap all the places you have traveled to and the brilliant people you have met.
That moment you find thanks in the people who have been there along the way.
That moment you realize the people who have recently entered your life are here for a reason.
That moment you begin to let your walls down and give love a chance again.
That moment you realize the broken water pump on your car is nothing...
...Nothing compared to the blessings that filled that one single tear of joy and thanksgiving that welled up during a single movement. So much gratitude held in one inhale and one exhale.

A huge Thank You, to the worlds latest yoga teacher training graduates!! May you continue to bless everyone who crosses your path and continue to yolk your life with those around you, looking at life through eyes of gratitude each and every day.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Vegan Veggie Pasta "Alfredo"

Holy deliciousness!!
Made this on a whim for dinner tonight and it surprised the hell out of me!

What you will need:
-Whole Wheat Penne Pasta
-Olive Oil
-2.5c Unsweetened Almond Milk
-3-4 Tbsp All Purpose Flour
-Cherry Tomatoes
-Salt and Pepper

Slice tomatoes in half , drizzle olive oil and a pinch of salt on top and get them started baking on 400 (they need a good 20-25 minutes baking)

Boil water and start cooking the pasta

In the meantime... Saute the shallots and garlic in a dash of olive oil for 4-5 minutes. Turn the heat down to medium and gradually start adding a tablespoon at a time of flour to 1/2 cup of almond milk in pan. Whisk it to try and keep it from getting clumpy. Turn down to low and let it simmer and thicken.

Start to spoon out penne noodles and add to the "alfredo" Continue stirring sauce and noodles together simmering.

Steam broccoli (2-4 minutes) until they turn brighter green.

Add broccoli to noodles and sauce.
Add tomatoes to noodles and sauce.

Season with salt and pepper to taste and enjoy!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Hearty Vegan Soup-Happy Fall!

It is delish!!

What you will need:
Olive Oil
Small Onion
Sweet Potato x2, cubed
Fire Roasted Tomatos
Diced tomatos
Vegetable broth
Salt/Pepper to taste

How to do it:
Saute Onion, carrots and celery in olive oil for 3 minutes
Add sweet potato cubes, and tomatos. Saute 3 more minutes
Add Vegetable broth
Bring to a boil. Back heat off and simmer for 25-30 minutes.
Add Orzo and kale.
Stir regularly for 7-10 minutes as kale cooks down and orzo becomes al dente. (Keep stirring to prevent orzo from sticking to bottom)

Secret addition: half an apple!


Monday, October 12, 2015

XRay Glasses

This past weekend in Teacher Training my students had an opportunity to take a really intense hot yoga class... and by intense I mean, hot with a 10 minute malasana thrown in there. These guys were challenged not only by the heat, but with holding long hip openers, and then the frustration that comes from a 10 minute squat!
The next day, we learned about Chakras. What an eye opening experience for them to not only learn about chakras but be able to experience what can happen when you tap into them through asana... it's a game changer!
Understanding that every day we have choices that we make. Society has taught us that there are things we have to do. But in real life, we always have a choice. We can choose to sit in malasana for 10 minutes and be miserable, or we can choose to stand up and honor ourselves. We can choose to sit in malasana for 10 minutes and wear our xray glasses to observe what we start to feel, not just physically, but mentally and emotionally.
When we stand back and observe our own behavior, that is when the yoga magic happens!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Happy Ganesha Day!

Happy Ganesha Day!
Ganesha is the remover of obstacles, the day of the deity is September 17 this year. Ironically, the day that I've sat down to figure some stuff out, to reflect, to check in, to make changes, and be open to what is next. What I love most about Ganesha is how he's just so relaxed and kickin' it, while removing obstacles. I wanna be like Ganesha! I wanna let go and remove obstacles while being totally chill.

Dreams and goals are forever changing, we meet one and another one comes along to surprise us in a completely different way. I never thought I would get to a point in my 'career' as a yoga instructor where I would have my own school, but the time has come! K10Yoga, RYS :)  It has happened, and that small step, years ago, created a butterfly effect. That, along with hard inner and outer work, has brought me to this point.

I sit on the deck, as the leaves begin to change and fall is in the air. I plan.
I plan for my plan not to go as expected, but I plan.
I visualize, where I want to be next year, what I want to have accomplished, where I've been.
I plan for my plan not to go as expected, but I visualize.
I dream, what does life feel like next month, next, spring, next September, in a new place or an old one.
I plan for my plan not to go as expected, but I dream.

I plan, I visualize, I dream, knowing that all I can really do is live life one day at a time. To love with all I have, to give back, to always stay in honour and live a life of integrity. One step at a time. But, I still plan, visualize, and dream! Where would we be if we didn't?

That being said... Look for a 2016 Spring Yoga Teacher Training in Winston Salem, NC.
January is a great time to start new things, why not begin the next step in your yoga journey!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Monkey Beach, Where Monkeys Drink CocaCola!

Once upon a time I was in Thailand and my friends thought it would be brilliant to hop in a traditional long tail boat and buzz on over to Monkey Beach! "Lets go!" I said, excited for another adventure in Thailand. Granted, I had burned my foot the night before trying to jump over a fiery jump rope, so I was a bit timid to the idea of hiking around with monkeys, but thats another story! Regardless, Thailand is full of adventures, so lets take another one!

Monkey Beach is called so for a reason. Monkeys graze around, looking for human things that they can steal. Cameras, beware! Towels, beware! CocaCola bottles, beware! They are so funny, and a bit creepy how they will run up to you and inspect what they can take. When you get off that long tail boat you should really get off with no accessories! Think you can have a nice picnic or suntan on the beach, sorry to burst your bubble but no. You can try though, thats fun!

These monkeys have learned over time how to get what they want. One screech and BAM! you run and it is all theirs! Monkeys are such funny creatures, and I love to watch them in their environment... from the boat! To the monkey that took a womans coke bottle, opened it up, and guzzled the drink. My hats off to you, I presume you had your caffeine fix and were ready for another day of thievery! Thank you for the story, and the laugh!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

You ARE Worthy!

This topic just seems to be popping up everywhere I look, its in my yoga practice, in my life, with my friends and loved ones, it just seems to be everywhere. So, why not share my thoughts on the subject with you!

You ARE Worthy, you are worthy of love, happiness, joy, grace, any positive affirmation that you can come up with, you are worthy of each one. In addition to that, you are also worthy to give those things. I've have a few moments lately where I tell myself that I am not worthy of these things. I remind myself that not only am I worthy to receive them, but to give them, and that is part of the process... Life is not always selfish, it doesn't work like that universally. Life is composed of vast examples of dualism. We give we take, the sun rises, the sun sets, the tide ebbs and flows, the breathe in and we breathe out and so on.

I'm reminded of this in my yoga practice as we INHALE the affirmations we want to receive, we EXHALE what we want to give back. When we give back, we have created space to bring in another. Every breath is a place to taste our own soul, even for just a moment, and when we nourish our soul with giving and receiving, the wheels turn much more freely.

Live a life of worth 
be strong, give love, receive love, be free, be brave

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Eternal Lavender-For Carol

One of my students recently left this world to see what else is out in the great vast universe and to explore the possibilities of life after death. Carol was a beauty! Her soul shines as she has moved on. Every Monday I could look forward to her kind smile, her blessing on a good day and a gentle hug and thank you after class. Carol was one of those who you know genuinely did hope you had a blessed day. I cannot express how kind hearted she was and she will be greatly missed.

Carol, I wish you only the best on your journey through the universe and beyond, with your husband by your side once again, and all of the lavender you want! Thank you for your kind heart and gentle spirit. You were and will continue to be a positive influence in my life and I'm thankful I had a few short years with you in class.

In love, light, and eternal lavender~shine on!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Fall Yoga Teacher Training!

I can not wait for Friday! Not because I'm going off to some foreign land, but because its the start of a bigger adventure. Not just an adventure for me, but also for 8 aspiring yoga teachers!

Yoga Teacher Training starts Friday!!

As I look back on my notes and prepare myself for this journey, I can't help but feel excited to share what I have learned over the past 8 years. To share with new students who gaze upon this experience with a wondering eye, a curious mind, and a loving heart.

As yoga teachers, we often learn the most from our students. They always think its the other way around, but in real life, we are taught daily, in some capacity, about life, love, patience, boundaries, and what it is to live life.

Can't wait to see where this journey takes my students and in turn takes me. Keep your head high, open your heart, speak your truth and let the sun shine on your soul.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Momentos (from the archives)

From the archves...
Momentos are little things that remind us of stuff...
Momentos are things that move us...
Momentos are momentum in its solitary form, the ability to stop us in our tracks and think... Ahh! This is something I want to remember (and I may be willing to pay money for it) then we continue. We move forward, we carry on, but now we have a reminder.

Momentos could be things, memories, or keychains from Florida, but they mean something.