Tuesday, August 18, 2015

You ARE Worthy!

This topic just seems to be popping up everywhere I look, its in my yoga practice, in my life, with my friends and loved ones, it just seems to be everywhere. So, why not share my thoughts on the subject with you!

You ARE Worthy, you are worthy of love, happiness, joy, grace, any positive affirmation that you can come up with, you are worthy of each one. In addition to that, you are also worthy to give those things. I've have a few moments lately where I tell myself that I am not worthy of these things. I remind myself that not only am I worthy to receive them, but to give them, and that is part of the process... Life is not always selfish, it doesn't work like that universally. Life is composed of vast examples of dualism. We give we take, the sun rises, the sun sets, the tide ebbs and flows, the breathe in and we breathe out and so on.

I'm reminded of this in my yoga practice as we INHALE the affirmations we want to receive, we EXHALE what we want to give back. When we give back, we have created space to bring in another. Every breath is a place to taste our own soul, even for just a moment, and when we nourish our soul with giving and receiving, the wheels turn much more freely.

Live a life of worth 
be strong, give love, receive love, be free, be brave


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