Saturday, January 7, 2012

Full Moon, Love...

With every full moon a new set of emotions roll in, of course, its the full moon and living on the sea amplifies its effects. I used to look at my life year by year "where will I be this time next year" it dawned on me recently that I didn't do that this past Christmas (my usual reflection/projection marker) instead I see it now from full moon to full moon... 2 moons ago old friends were coming back into my life that brought an odd feeling of stability, then best friends and lovers returned last full moon and now on the almost completely waxed moon I find myself looking around again...

Mostly I am reflective of this time last moon (December:The full long nights moon)-it was my moon of independance, I was up late the entirety of this moons last moment of wax and first moment of wane, in wonder of where my life has gone and in excitement of where I was going, literally and figuratively. These thoughts flowing through as on an airplane to multiple cities within 4 days to see those who came into my life unexpectedly and I fell in love with.

As the January moon, or Full Wolf Moon, begins to reach its peak I feel as hungry as the wolves during this time, searching and looking for food, but food for my soul. As I now hold a plane ticket that will take me to a far off land in less than 2 months I feel excited for the adventure and hungry for more at the same time.

When I put the two moons together and culminate what feels right in my soul I realize that I am hungry for those late nights with the ones I lovee. I miss them to tears as I sit and collaborate thoughts and hope they understand the same level of love and miss that I feel. Why is it so difficult to express ourselves, why do we hold onto love that currently creates pain, why do we fear rejection but yet wont put ourselves out there and give ourselves the option to not be rejected?

As winter sets in with her full moons, and the literal darkness of the season sets in, I look forward to March when the cycle breaks, heralding the robins to return thus the quest for love and the quest to fill that hunger. They key is to settle into the Full Moon of January and February with an open heart, feel the emotions that pour in, but not to let them freeze. Keep the fluid in motion and grow out from the stillness. Knowing that on the other side, the world is warm and life will begin to bloom.

Namaste loves

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