Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Dreams are a wish your heart makes

Why do we resist following our dreams? Is it really that easy to be in a shit job where you are unhappy, is it so easy that we will sacrifice ourselves to that world. What keeps us daydreaming out of the office window, thinking of how nice it would be to sit on a beach with a cool drink in hand or out exploring the vast universe but instead you notice the shiny shoes and dress clothes that youreally dont like to wear but because they look 'cute' according to cosmo we wear them and spend way to much money on them... what is the deal, why do we harm ourselves?

Typically this pain come from some type of fear-but of what?
Is it a fear of not having money? Is it a fear that your friends are going to think you are crazy? (because you are doing what they dont have the balls to even think about doing) Or is it pure laziness? The idea that we are happy in what we have convinced ourselves is a normal life is that the real truth for you when you peel back the layers of who YOU are... is where you are sitting right now the life you had always planned for yourself?

Remember those days as a kid when you were a big dreamer... I want to be an astronaut, I want to be a whatever... well are you? For me, I wanted to be a mermaid, now that is a little bit mythical but I do get to play in the pool often and live at the beach, but now it is time for more!

From the Yamas and Niyamas we are taught about Ahimsa and Satya. I encourage you to look deep, find your inner truth-Satya, and be mindful of what that is and practice Ahimsa, but practice non-violence to yourself-be who you want to be, try not to push yourself into a world that doesnt feel organic to your path.

Find Your Truth and Live It.

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