Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Another Year "Older" and a new one just begun

So yeah, Christmas is over, New Years is over and in an hour my birthday will officially be over. I cannot express how incredibly thankful I am for all that I have been through this past year, 28 was awesome but I'm ready to let it go and fully live in 29.
For the last year I have been holding on for dear life as I tried to let go and figure my life out... After two people who I love tremendously moved off to follow their dreams and I sat back and watched them go, loving them, but feeling ever so green with envy that they get to follow their dreams while I'm still being patient and waiting for mine.
I have been blessed with a great group of friends who I love tremendously and will be sad to say goodbye to as I carry on with my year of 29 to great places across the world, and I can confidently say that I am ready to go, ready to travel, ready to yoga, and ready to save the world!!
I have worked my ass off, finishing a 200 hour yoga teacher training, having a great boyfriend, great friends and then letting them go to pursue their dreams and for me to pursue 300 more hours of yoga study... damn its been a ride!
After buying my plane ticket to Fiji for 3 months on New Years Day, I started a new year literally and figuratively. I am launching myself out into the world to follow MY dreams. I wouldn't be here without the unknown help of a few people who have given me the courage to step out of my comfort zone, and know that they will be on the other side of it.
My life has felt like I've had a bucket full of water on my shoulders and I just poked a hole in it that washed fear and anxiety away. Water is a powerful mover of energy and can be refreshing and flow moving but when held captive can become stagnant and boring. I just let all of mine go and it does taste of great refreshment!
Amazing how when you let go, you take a step into an unknown world and you know you are on the right track, the universe provides what you need. I had always heard that but never trusted it, I'm capricorn, I plan. But with that step into the blue stagnant waters, there is a ripple and within that ripple the universe can release its power and support you at the same time.
Let your inhibitions go, run, play, jump up and down, scream, cry whatever it takes.... poke the hole in that bucket of water sitting on your shoulders and trust that the water that comes out will fill your heart and wash away your worries.

What will 29 hold? Yoga and service in Fiji-yoga with kids in schools, debris cleanup in the ocean and hopefully raising money to certify someone to dive and continue with the ocean cleanups. Hopes to teach people yoga, maybe even teach them to be teachers.
Belize, June 2012, we will discover the blocks in that bucket of water, let them go and learn how to keep the channels clean and the prana running smoothly through ourselves. Then transmitting that energy into those in our life or that we may just encounter walking down the street. What seeds do you plant for yourself and thus into others?

The year of 29 will be a year of extended growth, finding my soul families across the earth, creating a great place for each of us to live.

I am beyond grateful and cannot wait to see this year unfold.

Cheers to Another Year Older!!

FB/Twitter: K10Yoga

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