Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Be a Strawberry

Stand back. Watch the world go around. It's an interesting place, this world. There are a few ways to walk through this world, one with eyes open and one with eyes closed. I do believe it came from the infamous Beatles, Strawberry Fields Forever singing "Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstand all you see..."
What happens when you open your eyes, understanding all you see. That seems easy in theory but it is quite tough and can be quite painful, this transformation. From here we grow, coming out of the muck and blossoming into that lotus flower we hear about.

We have choices, we can choose to stay in the muck or we can allow ourselves to blossom. We are in the places we are because we chose to be here. So, if you aren't feeling happy or secure or grounded... maybe its time you look in the mirror and decide if you choose to stay in that place or not. Depending on how many dependants you have determines how deep your roots are in the muck. (dependants here being kids, debt, j-o-b, mortgage, commitments, etc...) I can't tell you how to get out, how to blossom, but being aware of it and having those eyes to see tends to help. What about commitments, some people are dealthy afraid of them, some deathly afraid of not having any, how do you find a happy median? Where do you stand, be honest with yourself.

What about those who are not rooted in the muck, can they be beutiful lotus flowers? My analytical mind is curious what the ratio of muck has to be in order to be that beautiful flower... can you be too flowery and not rooty enough? Who knows really.

The bottom line is this... Can you go through life with eyes closed? yes you can. Does it get you anywhere on the path to enlightenment and top chakra kinda stuff... I dont know. But for me, I accept the responsibility to live with eyes open trying to understand our world from a place of compassion in hopes that one day I can be that fully blooming and enlightened lotus flower. Shit gets tough, yes, and some days I just want to crawl in bed and cry until I cannot cry anymore and thats just human. At the end of the day though, be strong, stand firm, argue if you have to, commit when it feels right, play loud music, yell, scream, jump up and down, offer a helping hand, be passionate, follow your heart but think with your brain. Then... get up and do it again.
Open your eyes, face the world, understand yourself, and move from a place of compassion and grace and from there blossom.
Imagine an entire world that did this, translate that lotus into the strawberry and we would have... strawberry fields forever.

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