Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Rock on Yogi's

What does it mean to be in tune... we hear it in yoga class, "scan your body" "be in tune with your inner works" and on and on...

Here is my thought process: Tune, okay you tune a guitar, what if you dont know what it sounds like for a guitar to be out of tune? I am not very musically inclined (though I can play the first few licks from Dream On by Aerosmith) but it seems to come as a natural instinct if the guitar is out of tune. Things dont sound right, I dont know what 'right' sounds like but it just sounds and feels funny.

I think the same is with our bodies, maybe you feel extra tired one day or things just are not working out or flowing as you think is best. Something just feels funny. Unfor"tune"tly for the average 2 legged roaming this earth their instincts feel the movement of being out of tune but they are so caught up in the rat race that they don't know what to do about it. So then we all know the story you have all the things people try to make themselves feel better and more in tune... shopping sprees, beer, sex, pedicure, beer, sex, a nice dinner out, sex, beer, you get the point.
Yoga, for me opens me and gives me a chance to be aware of what string is out of tune, and with practice, to tighten or loosen that string until it creates a beautiful tone to my ears. "Those with ears to hear, let them hear it". As we move through life, perhaps we take time to listen to the tone of our bodies. Use the breath to soften the sounds of the world around you and listen within. Become aware of YOU. Stop looking at others and trying to 'fix' their tunes, listen within instead.

Next time you find yourself in pigeon pose and those little thoughts start to enter into the mind... "goahhh, is it time to unfold yet...", "if you keep me here one more second I might throw this block at you", "dream on dream on dream until your dreams come trueeeeee" or whatever it may be just take note where your thoughts are. This can be a signal to which chord might need to be tunes. 6 chords on most guitars... think 6 chakras and then that final beautiful sound that resonates across the universe, the infamous 7th tone that encompasses all 6 chords.

Life is beautiful, take time to check in, and tune your chords :)

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