Thursday, September 13, 2012

Honorably Creative

You walk in, and the pews are wooden, the walls are wooden, the floor a non noteworthy color, there is a large bench at the front of the room with a chair... Your mind tells you that you are in a safe space. You are being judged and charged right off the bat except here there are no little baskets passed around. You have been directed in written for to this room, you're not sure whether to feel safe or on edge. After a few hours you are asked to join a group of people at the front of the room... your heart beat accelerates as you say your last name...


They look and you're not listed... You show the paperwork to them, they say you are in the wrong space. I'm sorry if they write you a letter and tell you to go to the blue room and you have the options of blue or red one would pick the blue right? <Just checking in case I was taught wrong and blue was actually red>

Where do I go? We don't know... 

Alright off to the office where the 'secretary' sits <note "secret-ary" as she was both>
"Ohh you're supposed to be in the red room"
"Ok wheres that?"
Across the breezeway, in the glass doors, around your ass, up the elevator and in the secret mystery room on the right...
Half way there I ask directions again... Aha! I find it, a bit more cozy, call it the Methodist church vs the Presbyterian if you will.

Ohh you were not here and the discussion has already happened. Have a nice day.

NO! NO! and No! I'm livid.... I have travels 6 hours to get here, took 2 days off of work THIS is not okay. 

What is this anger that I am feeling... and what do I do with it? 
Wash it away first, a a few tears well up in my eyes, I let them go. Now that is done so time to study up, feel the 2nd and 3rd chakras, find your will power and get creative.

"I'm going to need a note that I am here today please, and no is not an appropriate answer, and you can bet I will be back for this is not over."
They shifted the energetics over towards me, I am tossing it back

How do you deflect your energy from manipulation? When you know without a shadow of a doubt that you have been hoodwinked, what do you do? How do you honorably find that creativity and the will to enact it. 

"Who is a man that does not make his world a better place"

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