Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Haiti 2011

From the girls at Off the Mat, Into the World... :)

So this is it, the hour of reckoning: the proverbial “Savasana” of the Global Seva Challenge 2011 is finally upon us, and what a year it has been! Regardless of whether you reached your goal or not, just for taking that first step forward and committing to a Challenge as big as this. And we are so proud of you for having the courage to step into your greatness and explore the possibilities of your own leadership potential.

Now is the time to rest. To let go of attachment to outcome, and allow these final moments to unfurl exactly as they are meant to. To stop the doing and step into the being. To integrate your experience from the past year. To observe where you have grown and what you have learned. To nourish your body and reinvigorate your connection to Spirit. To reconnect with friends and family and loved ones in celebration of this divine gift we call life. And to express gratitude for all of the ways in which we are blessed, and for this opportunity to serve.

This year you have collectively raised more than $300,000 for Haiti (final numbers will be posted on the homepage of the OTM website in the coming weeks). I want you to know that this is no small feat by a team of 60 participants (in past years we have had closer to 120). Suzanne, Seane, Hala, and all of us at OTM are so thankful for all of your efforts, and we value everyone’s participation equally, whether you raised $20 or $20,000. The work you have done in your own communities could have an impact that lasts for generations to come. Maybe your efforts have inspired a change in someone else’s life in a profound and radical way – or maybe, just maybe, your own life has been changed somehow.

You may never know the full extent of the impact you have had, fundraising for Haiti this year with Off the Mat. But we do know exactly what your hard-earned funds will help OTM and our partners in Haiti to do:
provide clean drinking water at an orphanage and school
build a community center
support women’s empowerment through micro-lending
create a mosaic art wall
remove rubble from the streets
build an eco-friendly children’s center

From K10-THANK YOU! Thank each and every one of you for your support whether through monetary funds, opening your space for transformation, or just being an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on. It has been an amazing journey and I look forward to continuing to raise awareness for our world and hope you will journey with me to make a difference for ourselves and our future generations!

In love and gratitude,


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