Saturday, November 19, 2011

Giving Thanks, a cliche?

I used to find it cliche to be thankful for things on thanksgiving, why cant we be reminded everyday to be thankful? But in the spirit of the season I would like to take a moment to recollect and find thanks in what seem like the most awkward or tough situations.
I'm thankful for...

  • Karma
  • Truth
  • Family
  • Love
  • Patience
  • Eyes to see
  • Babies
  • Yoga

I'm thankful for having the eyes to see the karmic path I have chosen. Knowing that somedays things will hurt and taking responsibility for those actions.
I'm thankful for those who know the truth, who see the truth, who speak the truth, and those who feel the truth. Truth being whatever feels right within their own being. Those who will stand for that among what others say may or may not be right for them.
I'm thankful for my family, direct and indirect. I am thankful for my roots and for those sent through a higher power to cross my path as family or friends or loves to bring me to my current place in this world.
I am thankful for love, pure unconditional love that I have felt in very rare ways this year. Love for myself, love for others, love for life, love for those questionable times that bring you to your knees and allow you to love yourself even more.
I am thankful for patience... even though I am tired of being patient, I am thankful for it and for the lessons it teaches me each and every day. Do not rush, live.
I am thankful for babies, for the miracle of creativity and for the privilege to assist in trainings and classes that birth new philosophies into the world. For being able to make small changes in the world one person, one day, one breath at a time.
I'm thankful for yoga which is the thread that binds all of these things together. Recognition of the karmic path, seeing life as it is, and loving it.

In the midst of confusion, hustle and bustle that comes with this time of year, I encourage you all to your own revelations and thankfulness to those people and places of your life. From my heart to yours...Cheers!

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