Monday, November 7, 2011

What will you birth?

What will you create? Hold it in love!

I don't know if you have been feeling it or not, I would hope that everyone is so intuitive to notice but things are changing, and fast. Sometimes referred to as the quickening, this age of Aquarius is upon us. After a heartwarming weekend with Heather Till learning how to teach yoga to pregnant mommas a number of things came to mind and I choose to share this one...

When thinking about the birthing process there is the conception time, the time you carry the baby, and then what some call the fourth trimester when you are getting to know your new one. So what if we took that concept and moved it into this awakening of consciousness that is happening. It's difficult to pinpoint a conception date but just say it were 11.11.11 and then we use the time in the year 2012 to really feel the shifts and changes of baby inside of each of us. Then we deliver, we step up and take responsibility for the life we have lived and prepare for spiraling into new life set before us. We are brave, we are proud of our creation, we are scared but joyful and excited for the new time. Then we transition into this new life, funneling our emotions and thoughts, coddling them, nourishing them and becoming accustom to this new experience.

It is a beautiful process that is sincere and divine. For each individual with the eyes to see the beauty in this new creation, cheers to you. For those who may not understand and cannot see past birthing an actual baby, best of luck.
The time is now, take responsibility, clear out the old, unnecessary, clutter of the past years and prepare. You have a great gestation period to meditate, forgive, and proceed. Where will you go? What will you do?

Be excited, Be open, the shift is near! Ride the energy wave for beauty is just around the corner!

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