Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tree of Life

Trees grow up from the earth, as we climb the ladder of enlightenment we climb that tree of life. Rooted in the physical, growing into the ethereal-heavenly-realm. It's interesting to notice where you are on this path. We will go up and down the tree but progressively move up. It's like moving up the chakra line, finding that place of ascention.

I picture this concept in the form of a labyrinth being the branches of this tree of life, or one big branch/fluff, of the tree. You move around the tree, the ladder, the chakra line, but once you are on the path you notice that your past as brought you to your present and that it leads you into your future.
Ahimsa, means non-harming, I think about this in terms of not harming other, mother nature etc, but also yourself. Be mindful of the actions and thoughts you have, as you do this, the chances that youre going to be in a position of harming someone or yourself is reduced. When these things are reduced then we have less sticks and rocks in our labyrinth path and our ascention is progressive!

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