Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Threads of life...

As I embark on the journey that is Yoga Teacher Training I reflect on what brought me to this place right now and I cannot help but fall in love with the synchonisity that is life.

The labyrinth that my family and I build 10 years ago has worked its way through my life in amazing ways. Just as Ariadne, the lady of the labyrinth, wove her thread of truth and devotion into what she loved, I can emerge from the darkness, from the menotars lair, just as Theseus did, and find the light of freedom.

Yoga allows me to grant myself permission to hover above my life and look at these synchronicities through my minds eye. The ability to observe is magical but to observe ones life and the circuits that have brought you to this place right here right now is a gift. How often do we stop and reflect on the good, the great, the bad, and the ugly that have put us right here. Not only that but how often do we appreciate all of those sticks in our path for bringing us here... now that is the hard one. Do we weigh ourselves down with sticks and stones that block our path by putting them in our pockets, our hips, our shoulders etc... or do we look at them and thank them for being there but then continue walking forward towards the light of freedom?

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