Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Kingdom of Consciousness

The following are quotes from the movie Kingdom of Heaven that hit close to my heart!

"A new world. A better world. A kingdom of conscience...a kingdom of heaven"

As our souls ascends, our physical body creates a positive vibration that is creating a new world, a better world. Though what we see and hear through the media may indicate otherwise, take a look around, the mere fact that we had a dozen people in the Yoga Teacher Training in Carteret County, NC is an indication in my world that the shift is happening. That shift from old to new, creating a kingdom of consciousness for each of us.

"What man is a man who does not make the world better"

As a conscious soul there is a responsibility that has been given to us in the reality that is known as Malkuth in the Gnostic/Kabbalistic reasoning. Do you accept that sacred contract of making the world a better place or do you find yourself pulled into the whirlpool of social distractions?

"I have given Jerusalem my whole life. First, I thought we were fighting for God. Then I realized we were fighting for wealth and land. I was ashamed"

What are you fighting for? Can you fight in honour as a knights of Aur?

The final quote doesn't need much explaination or additional insight, its much like the lotus, it sits heavy but is full of beauty.

"Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong; that is your oath"

En Light,

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tree of Life

Trees grow up from the earth, as we climb the ladder of enlightenment we climb that tree of life. Rooted in the physical, growing into the ethereal-heavenly-realm. It's interesting to notice where you are on this path. We will go up and down the tree but progressively move up. It's like moving up the chakra line, finding that place of ascention.

I picture this concept in the form of a labyrinth being the branches of this tree of life, or one big branch/fluff, of the tree. You move around the tree, the ladder, the chakra line, but once you are on the path you notice that your past as brought you to your present and that it leads you into your future.
Ahimsa, means non-harming, I think about this in terms of not harming other, mother nature etc, but also yourself. Be mindful of the actions and thoughts you have, as you do this, the chances that youre going to be in a position of harming someone or yourself is reduced. When these things are reduced then we have less sticks and rocks in our labyrinth path and our ascention is progressive!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


In yoga class: "choose an intention for yourself" instantly out of no where comes motivation. Humm interesting how that just popped into my head. What does motivation even mean... to be motivated... to be moved, to re locate your perception. Well to each his own but it did hit home. There are lots of things I want to do but they are not just going to happen on their own (well they might over time as the universe decides to kick me in the butt for not making it happen sooner) so get on it Kristen. Begin to manifest these heart felt intentions for yourself.

So over the next little while you guys are all going to see lots about this thing I'm calling "to haiti with love..." What is it? A fundraiser that I'm partaking in to raise money to build a sustainable community center complete with papaya and mango farms, and fresh water kiosks among a whole list of other things for people in Haiti. I look forward to using my own hands and sending my own reiki love to the area when I am there in February. For more info you can visit the website

I'm open to any fund raising ideas that any of you have, it is a pretty substantial amount of money I will be raising but with everyone's help we can make a positive impact! For more information on how we can make an impact across the world keep with with my girl Lasha at Trek to Connect she's doing some amazing things!

So... events to look forward to over the upcoming year (email me if you want to volunteer or have any great ideas!)

  • Movie Night once a month through the summer at Yoga for You

  • Yoga Party, a series of classes taught by various instructors throughout the day

  • Hike-A-Thon, get your donations in per mile hiked up Grandfather Mountain's profile trail in NC

  • Yoga and Wine Gathering, wine-yoga-and maybe some of the great chocolate made by the General Store in Morehead City!

  • T-shirts and stickers

  • Origami cranes, make your own or purchase one already constructed~write a well wish for the earth on it, and place it in the nest at the yoga studio. Creating positive intentions throughout the state. Suggested donation $5

  • Gita Talk: We will choose a section of the Bhagavad Gita and discuss our thoughts on it. Great time for intelligent conversation and celebration of this ancient text.
So, there you go...thats what is in my brain right now and it will be manifested over the next few weeks. Look for more information coming soon!

Threads of life...

As I embark on the journey that is Yoga Teacher Training I reflect on what brought me to this place right now and I cannot help but fall in love with the synchonisity that is life.

The labyrinth that my family and I build 10 years ago has worked its way through my life in amazing ways. Just as Ariadne, the lady of the labyrinth, wove her thread of truth and devotion into what she loved, I can emerge from the darkness, from the menotars lair, just as Theseus did, and find the light of freedom.

Yoga allows me to grant myself permission to hover above my life and look at these synchronicities through my minds eye. The ability to observe is magical but to observe ones life and the circuits that have brought you to this place right here right now is a gift. How often do we stop and reflect on the good, the great, the bad, and the ugly that have put us right here. Not only that but how often do we appreciate all of those sticks in our path for bringing us here... now that is the hard one. Do we weigh ourselves down with sticks and stones that block our path by putting them in our pockets, our hips, our shoulders etc... or do we look at them and thank them for being there but then continue walking forward towards the light of freedom?