Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Choose love

Love is a choice. Who do you love and who do you continue to love through thick and thin. Who listens to you ramble, who cares (or acts like they care) about what sits close to your heart, who cares about you, and cares that you care about them. Who wants you to love them, who wants to love you... Is it money? Is it social? Is it approval? It's just a choice to love and to love without conditions, letting go of all expectations for yourself and the other person. Relax and let.it.be. You be you, I'll be me and we can be in love, fly through this world like free birds to sing and dance and do as we please, in love. People come and go but it's up to you who's company you keep. You compliment each other, you take care of each other, by choice. You are two free birds destined to do great wonders in the world but who offer three times the weight if the world to the world because you have the support of each other. You have the joy and privilege to choose to love someone. To choose to nest each night, always safe, always happy, always joyful, in the wings of love. 

May 2013

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