Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Choose love

Love is a choice. Who do you love and who do you continue to love through thick and thin. Who listens to you ramble, who cares (or acts like they care) about what sits close to your heart, who cares about you, and cares that you care about them. Who wants you to love them, who wants to love you... Is it money? Is it social? Is it approval? It's just a choice to love and to love without conditions, letting go of all expectations for yourself and the other person. Relax and let.it.be. You be you, I'll be me and we can be in love, fly through this world like free birds to sing and dance and do as we please, in love. People come and go but it's up to you who's company you keep. You compliment each other, you take care of each other, by choice. You are two free birds destined to do great wonders in the world but who offer three times the weight if the world to the world because you have the support of each other. You have the joy and privilege to choose to love someone. To choose to nest each night, always safe, always happy, always joyful, in the wings of love. 

May 2013

Monday, June 3, 2013

What is it?

It's born wild and free, but little does it know the dangers in the world.  A humble adventurer comes along whisping it away into a life that to others may seem trapped, but from an insiders eye, encourages the upper % of survival. It is given education, nourishment, discipline, and love all while remembering its instincts. Things it will need to continue to survive. There are times for work and times for play, days of laughter and days trudging along on your belly to get the blasted thing back where it belongs... All sacrifices and times of great joy and triumph for the humble adventurer.
Then comes the day when it must be released, into the wild, putting itself to the test... It is gone, for days, the humble adventurer curious of its wellbeing as they have grown to have a respected bond with one another... Then, it returns, it's crop filled with joy and gratitude for the skills it instinctively knew but that have been taught to it with great intention. 
It flies away, knowing the humbled adventurer and his mate have given their all for its survival, and it has now returned to shine its gratitude upon them, and it flies back into its born environment. The new yet familiar environment, the wild, to explore and to see the places previously dreamt about from a rocking stoop.
The humbled adventurer hangs up his hat on this project, but does he really? The love of the adventure will always be with him and never will he truly be finished. It hopes he will continue his own adventuring for the sake of the world and for the sake of it who loves him and his mate ever so dearly... Loves them for choosing it as an adventure.

What is "it"?
For it is the families dear red tailed hawk of course.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

You Better Belize It! Cahal Pech Experience

Belize, what a beautiful place and quite accessible from the states. A simple 3 hour flight from Charlotte and ta da you have arrived. A quick bus ride and hello San Ignacio, home to xunantunich ruins which are a great site and visited by an influx of tourists because you can see Guatemala from the top. It's beautiful really, but the ruins of Cahal Pech got my attention quite a bit more. Just a short walk up from San Ignacio city, up a brutal hill in the heat I might add, you find this ruin set back and not filled with hustle and bustle. 
Cahal Pech was a ruin that held quite a large public market, a priest, a private market and the rulers home and a back area set for servants... Typical, however, the energy of this place was amazing. I travel with a great friend who experienced this energy and can only explain it herself, but I witnessed the chill bumps on her skin and the sheer look in her eye that there was something disturbed by us being there. Not wanting to stir up any negative spirits we took a minute to talk out loud that we were simply there to explore, not to damage or disrespect the space in any way. The back quarters, the space where the servants would have lived was the strongest. There was ill will there. Moving through the ruins we took a photo in the rulers bedroom and an aura of mist surrounds my entire body, seen only through the camera lense and on the photograph itself, it's quite intriguing. 
Being able to experience this in a foreign land and in an ancient myan ruin was a privilege. Just imagining the different way of life during that time puts everything today into prospective. After our experience with these new feelings and intrigue, we spent some time in the meditation room (yes, in the ruins) and came out feeling cleansed and at peace. 
What decisions had been made in that room in the past, what decisions were left at the door to that room in the past... Rulers had great responsibility that they took very seriously, knowing that waging war could cost lives and they would have to live with those decisions... Those decisions that would result in death, that is heavy... Just like the energy of the space outside of this room.
There is a lot to be said for the adage of 'leave it at the foot of the cross' whatever that means for you, leave the world at the door and check in with you, enter the meditation room with just yourself, baggage at the door, find a clear state of mind, for when you go out into the world again things will still be there, but you will have a clear head and a nourished body and soul. You will be prepared to face your day, take a breath, make the right decisions for you and yours, jump in and watch your manifestations unfold.