Friday, April 27, 2012

Nomad Confession: What day is it again?

Recently I spent quite a bit of time in the airport, like 3 days worth of time. Of course I must be looking like an airport professional now as I just leave my bags by my seat to go brush my teeth and wash my face instead of listening to the rule of "dont leave your baggage unattended" ehh screw that... Once you have been in an airport longer than 8 hours that rule no longer applies to you (in my opinion)
Anyways... so people start to ask questions like you know everything...
"do you know why the plane is delayed?"

"hey where did you get that smoothie"
"at the smoothie shop over there" (obviously not at the ugg boot store-come on people!)

The one that got me though...
"Whats the date?"

Wooahhh....  I really have no idea, May something? no no.. in all actuality its still April but this brought me lots and lots of joy.  I truly love not knowing what day it is, not knowing what time it is, not having to be bothered by "its time to do this..." kinda stuff. When I'm hungry I get something to eat, when I'm sleepy I take a nap or go to bed, when I want to do what I want to do then I do it. I'm sure this will bite me in the ass when its back to the real world, and I'm okay with finding the discipline again but its quite exhilarating to feel what its like to live free and by your own accord. 

Try it, maybe just for a weekend if you can't just haul off halfway across the world, but truly do what you want when you want to without the expectation that you HAVE to do something. Let go, live a little, and enjoy it! But relish in the fact that you can come back to that discipline whenever you want to ;)

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