Tuesday, October 22, 2013

That Time I Almost Quit Yoga

I recall a night where I crawled in my dads lap at 30 years old, as if I was 7 year old, and cried my eyes out because I didn't understand why the universe would show me something so totally amazing and then just strip it away and expect me not to be a hot mess...

I'm more mindful than that. I'm more in tune with myself than that. And I almost quit yoga because of that.

It's a task being a yogi, I see those pictures on Facebook of "what my friends things I do" "what I think I do" yadi yadi and I can relate to it. Anyone who practices yoga regularly, takes yoga, or has even been touched by yoga in the slightest way can probably relate to what I'm talking about. Most think that we are bendy and smell like patchouli all the time. In real life our hearts are struck like metals being turned to brass, alchemy, always looking to turn our reality into the best it can be.

When life throws things at you, you have no choice but to look at it and to understand its root, what you can make of it and how it will benefit you and those around you. The Beatles sang about how living is easy with eyes closed and that's the truth. So many people carry on in the world with blinders up, not looking out at the world and seeing the beauty that comes from those rough situations.

Life doesn't throw negative things in your direction, it throws opportunity in your direction. Opportunity to grow, to love, to learn, to empower, and to teach. It's not easy, especially with a powerful full moon peeking in your window. A great yoga teacher and mentor asked me once if I was ready for the journey that yoga takes you on. I didn't understand at first what she was getting at. Now I understand. When life gets rocky, I now have eyes to see the lessons to be learned and no longer have the excuse of pushing it under the rug. Some days I want to quit yoga, so I don't have to look at the situations with open, analytical eyes, looking for the lesson and being all mindful. But once it's passed, I'm thankful that I did.

Keep your eyes open, lose your inhibitions and curl up in your dads lap, or your moms, or your dogs, whatever ya got to feel safe. Don't be afraid to open your eyes, for if you keep them closed the energy will build up inside of you and continue to repeat itself to get out. Take a deep breath, be vulnerable, let it go, truly live life. And don't quit yoga, we all know savasana is a gift!

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