Thursday, March 22, 2012

Whats in your pack?

So, I was all stoked before I left for Fiji about planning what and how I was going to pack my pack, you always see things online, tips of the trade etc. on how to keep organized. One thing suggested putting clothes in plastic bags to make like a chest of drawers in your pack... ok I tried it, I didnt have anything better to do one day, it was awkward. For the OCD organized person maybe that will work but for anyone who knows me, I am the queen of organized chaos. I like things to be a little disheveled... I know where they are, and its if you dont! After chucking this chest of drawers idea, I gently rolled my clothes and packed them away. My biggest and most bulky item being my yoga mat, but when youre traveling to teach a yoga retreat, you take a yoga mat. There is something calming about carrying your own sacred space around with you on your back, its very... turtlesk :) yes I will make that word up...
Anyways, I've already ditched some items, like the little campy pillow and blanket I was excited to use on the plane until they actually have tiny pillows and blankets on the plane, not to mention its hot as shit in Fiji so who needs a blanket. If it wassnt for mosquitos and 20 person dorms I would sleep naked every night. So I conveniently left those items at the hostel, perhaps the next person coming thru will be traveling to Antarctica, bless them...
I have a love hate relationship with my second bag, its just a smaller backpack, nothing fancy but it holds my computer well and the notebooks I couldnt stand to leave at home full of yoga facts and fun for my retreat. I find that I just drop things in random pockets, again the organized chaos... but at the end of the day that is what its all about, trying to roll clothes to keep lots of space only makes a backpack with a heavy ass, and only keeps things from wrinkling half the time. Its part of what we do, stuff clothes in random pockets, wear things that are wrinkly, forget to shave because... I really just dont know where my razor is! If I wanted to be all prim and proper and wear super cute and fancy clothes all the time I would have stayed home, but no... I chose to travel, I chose to live out of a bag for 3 months, I chose to take my awkward yoga notebooks and sacred yoga space with me because thats who I am, and I am okay with that!

So what does that all mean? Be yourself.

If you like to pack boxes and travel with cutsy dresses across the world, do it.
If you like to make cabinets in your bags, do it.
If you like to take something on a vacation even though everyone else thinks your crazy, do it.

Just be you, be happy with your decisions, and know that you can always ditch the tiny pillow and blanket :) Have fun, be awkward, laugh at how much shit you dont need and rock on!!

Happy travels ya'll

1 comment:

Odin said...

Octangle structure holds significance as axis.