Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Not to Worry

During a recent reflection I realized some things about worry... I have spent some time of my life, probably more time then I would like to admit on this little thing called worry.

Why do we worry? I used to say I worried about the ones that I loved, as a way to show what ends up being my ego that I can love because I care enough to worry... Well not so much, I have been practicing not worrying because when one worries about someone else you are taking away from their power and ability to take care of themselves. Thats a big thing, why would you want to take away from someones abilities. When you do, the result is that person unconsciously feeds off of this and you take on their fears, trials, and tribulations. That person needs those moments in their life to grow therefore when you worry and take the power from them they have a more difficult time growing from the circumstance.

Instead, be present, dont let the mind worry about what if's... there will always be "what if's" but what matters are the "what are's". When you find you mind trying to worry about someone you love or care for, take a breath, realize that they are strong enough to handle the things thrown at them and that by taking on their situation you are only adding fuel to the fire. Step back and send them the loving kindness vibes that can fuel their unconscious fire building their power towards a scenario.

In the end it always comes back to the ego and it warping your perspective of a scenario to make it once again about YOU. I don't know that you can ever truly eliminate the ego and its crafty ways of threading itself into your worldview, but you can recognize it. Once you recognize it is rearing its head then you can have power over it instead of it having power over you.

"Only if we grant power to something can it have power over us. It becomes a serving and sustaining potency when we again are able to place it into the realm where it belongs, instead of submitting to it."

Don't worry, just be happy! Peace :)

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