While in Cambodia, I had the opportunity to visit Angkor Wat, ancient ruins from the 1200's, a beautiful site set for a king. While in Thailand, I had the opportunity to explore ancient Wats in Bangkok (and leave my phone in a hot pink cab with a Buddha on the dash-while frustrating, humbling). While at The Great Wall I had the opportunity to stand on this wonder of the world and gaze across vast valleys and mountains. At all of these sites I had the opportunity to truly wonder...
I wonder what it was like at Angkor Wat during its hayday, people roaming in and out of the twisting hallways, but with intention.
I wonder what it was like in Bangkok hundreds of years ago when there were no tourists visiting the reclining Buddha and visitors lit their incense and said a prayer with intention.
I wonder what it was like on the Great Wall of China, to be the emperor, just seeing the conclusion of the project you put so much intention into.
Then I start to think how I want to live everyday with intention. I don't want to just mosey through life, I want to live it, I want to love, I want to take chances, I want to wonder.
So my challenge for you, is to take a day, take a week, take a vacation and be bold, set intentions, live those intentions and watch the wonderment unfold!
Embrace life, hold the sun in the palm of your hand and make a promise to yourself... Live, love, laugh and wonder!